Friday 15 November 2013

Reading Assignment #6

Book: Tattoo Machine
Author:Jeff Johnson
Pages Read: 60
1)@jeffjohnson I just finished a tattooing a client.#finally
2)@jeffjohnson It was hectic on the shop today. #tired
3)@jeffjohnson We had a shop meeting with our employees #meeting
4)@jeffjohnson My little shop is a microcosm in the wilder world of tattooing #mytattooshop
5)@jeffjohnson No one is always right, not the artist,not even the customer #lessonlearned
6)@jeffjohnson I work at Sea Tramp Tattoo as a tattoo artist #myjob
7)@jeffjohnson Tattooing is my thing!#aboutme
8)@jeffjohnson I had cover up a tattoo from a client twice my size but I refused it because there was    no way to cover it the tattoo up #ididntdoit
9)@jeffjohnson I like stories. #stories
10)@jeffjohnson I have to colour my client's dragon tattoo because it was in outline.#tattoo
11)@jeffjohnson Friday is monday!!!#work
12)@jeffjohnson Four o'clock and I'm done!!#finally
13)@jeffjohnson A packer is when someone who is concealing something on the medical portion which it happened to me.#definition
14)@jeffjohnson I tattooed a lady that has arthritis which I didn't know if she had told me that I would tell her that she's need to see a doctor first.#omg
15)@jeffjohnson A night hog is what you call a crappy tattoo artist who doesn't do well in tattooing.#badink
16)@jeffjohnson Clean means a flawless tattoo.#awesomeness
17)@jeffjohnson A trampstamp is a tattoo in the centre of a woman's lower back.#terms
18)@jeffjohnson The tattoo that my client wanted was Japanese symbol but I looked at it&I told him that "I couldn't read Chinese" but he corrected me. #fail
19)@jeffjohnson My client didn't know how to spell her family's name and she thinks that it's my fault.#whataday
20)@jeffjohnson The tattoo shop was reasonably full#toomanypeople
21)@jeffjohnson My client want's her boyfriend's name in her forearm and her boyfriend's name is "Al"hmmm....#tattooing
22)@jeffjohnson The same client who got the"Al"tattoo in her forearm was screaming when she showed the tattoo her boyfriend's mom so I had to change it.#hmm
23)@jeffjohnson I was really stressed about my client who wanted to got the "Al"tattoo and she regretted it!!#GRR
24)@jeffjohnson People were walking out of the  because of my client who was screaming because she wanted to changed the tattoo. #embarrassment
25)@jeffjohnson THINK BEFORE YOU INK!!#advice

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